Fishery Rules

Swims are clearly marked around the Lakes, please fish from these areas only. Please proceed to your chosen swim and commence fishing. Tickets are to be purchased online through the GoCatch App, or Lakeside, from the venue bailiff. Toilets and drinking water are available in the main car park.
Before Fishing, please read, understand and respect our rules. Please pick up your litter and use the bins provided.
No fires or BBQ without permission, and only with consideration to other anglers.
Dogs to be kept under control within your swim at all times and please remove and bag their litter.
No wading or swimming in the lakes, any damage caused to the venue or the fish themselves will lead to a prosecution.
Alcohol is permitted strictly in moderation.
Strictly no weapons or drugs (Failure to observe this rule will result in a lifetime ban).
No movement of fish from lake-to-lake and please observe the 5mph speed limit whilst driving around the fishery.
On the Specimen lake a 42" minimum landing net is required along with quality, suitably sized landing mat/cradle. Rods should have a 2.5lb Test Curve and be matched with 10lb mainline minimum. No pole fishing is allowed and no treble hooks are to be used for dead or live baiting. Live bait must originate from the Specimen lake and please - no holding of fish above knee high for your photography etc.
Please note you must be in possession of a current Environment Agency License, a Carp Care Kit, forceps, suitably sized landing net and mat to fish on our lakes.
Barbless or micro barbed hooks only and no 'fixed' leads.
The only non-permitted baits are peanuts.
No keepnets or keepsacs to be used unless by prior agreement in competitions and all nets should be thoroughly air dried before commencing your session.
In case of Emergency please phone Ben Taylor on 07974 267780 or venue bailiff Geoff Mason on 07495 677201